Vancouver Crossing is a short travel film that sends you on a journey of discovery as you cross through and experience Vancouver's many unique aspects. From the beautiful trails of North Vancouver to North America's largest food market in Richmond, Vancouver Crossing intertwines them together to show the contrast between Vancouver's bustling urban landscape and it's scenic nature hikes.
I spent around 3 months planning this short and shot in the span of 8 months while balancing school and a part-time job in between. I've enjoyed making my previous travel film, Tokyo Alive, and I wanted to make a new one that circles around Vancouver. For this travel film I decided to be more ambitious and decided to implement more advanced techniques and a simple storyline during its production.
There were a lot of hurdles during the production of this film but it was fun and exciting nonetheless. I had a lot of fun making this and can't want to do more in the future.
Special thanks to Wia Tan, Suki Lo, Jan Orsino and Jenny Nguyen for helping out with the video.

Filming with a gimbal at Capilano Suspension Bridge Park (Photo Credit: Suki L.)

Filming handheld at Downtown Vancouver (Photo Credit: Suki L.)